As I wrote in the last blog, I had now also initiated a few colleagues from work into my second me. One of these colleagues suggested we do a girls' night out to see Nicole in person. After a bit of back and forth, the planning began. As before, the question of what and where was of course very important, but a new outfit for the occasion was at least as essential. The first thing that was clear was what kind of shoes it should be - black pumps. There was a very simple reason for this. The meeting should take place together with the colleague whose outfit I was always jealous of. She was always dressed very chic with jeans and black pumps and I always thought how much I would like to do the same long before I confessed it to her. Of course that was an illusion, but what grew out of it was the idea of taking a photo together.
It was not only to be the first meeting with colleagues, but also Nicole's first real excursion in the vicinity. Since I didn't want to use public transport, I decided to rent a car. So it was also the first real drive as Nicole since the nonsense in Luxembourg. I was thinking a lot about the tour. What if I had an accident or just got caught in a general traffic stop? Driver's license and identity card bore little resemblance to the person driving. Although I organized a supplementary ID card, this remained one of my biggest concerns - along with the idea of running into uninitiated colleagues.
When the big day came, I picked up the car as Christian, but instead of putting it in front of the front door, I parked it in the parking garage of the shopping center a good kilometer away. It was going to be a little inescapable practice for Nicole's rest of the day. After makeup and dressing, there was no turning back. If I disregard the unplanned way back, which was due to the forgotten car key. With pounding heart I walked through the town where I lived in broad daylight. All of this would have been unimaginable before Basel and the Europapark, but so I entered the shopping center, fumbled my wallet out of my handbag with trembling hands to pay for the ticket and went to my car. There I needed to catch my breath for a few minutes before I set off. Then I drove off. I don't think I've ever ridden so correctly in my life, especially when it comes to speed. The pumps weren't particularly high, but it was a different driving experience.
Next time you will find out what else was on the program in Hanau. I'm also trying not to stay in my writer's block for so long again.
Until then
Your Nicole
