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Writer's pictureNicole Behrend

Friends & Family – Balm for the Soul

Last time I wrote a lot about the not so nice feedback. But there were also a lot of positive experiences and by that I don't mean the trips but the moments when I told people around me about Nicole for the first time or "nudged" them to her existence.

For a long time it was only individuals (not even a handful) who knew both of my sides. It wasn't until 2016 that I began to inducted some of the family and friends into the existence of Nicole. Of course, I got a lot of astonished feedback, but not in a negative sense, but usually with the statement that one would never have come up with the idea without help. I haven't felt a negative or dismissive reaction all that time. My sincere thanks to all those who follow my blog and belong to this circle, you have all helped me.

Linked to the initiation of friends and family was the expansion of my Facebook account and the more open appearance with it. As I connected to more and more people on both accounts, my dad inevitably stumbled upon Nicole too. One day he called and asked if I knew this Nicole with our last name and the same former places of residence. I said yes and finally said it was me. My father took note of it, and that was the end of the subject and it was no longer addressed. I don't think it was just my father who noticed, but apart from him no one has ever approached me.

In connection with my trip to the Europapark, I also became bolder in that I expanded the circle to include selected female colleagues. Something I had previously avoided as much as possible. But here, too, I received consistently positive reactions. These came not only in the form of our conversations and chats, but also in the form of active support with various beautiful scarves. My confession to a colleague that I was jealous of her wearing heels later led to a funny photo.

In addition to all the very nice moments of acceptance, my courage finally led to the next trip. But I'll get to that next time, I promise.

Until then

Your Nicole

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